We are Hand Washing Angels


Every child should be able to claim the rights to hand hygiene, water and sanitation, resulting in education equality and community health. Our playing field is the sweet spot of the ‘hot button issues’ on SDG4 – quality education, and SDG6 – clean water and sanitation. Yet no one talks about the power of using behaviour change. We do!


Our commitment is to reach the threshold of 100.000 children at schools by 2025 to make progress on education and health.

We engage the local community from day one. Not just the school children, but we go beyond their appreciation and ask the local community to embrace the start. It’s their willingness, enthusiasm and support that makes it last. We solidify long-term commitment with trusted NGO relations & country support.


By preventing children from getting sick, we increase school access, attendance, and enhance education and livelihood of the local school communities. We show proof and results with data on school absenteeism, by building proficiency in data collection through the use of the mobile MWater App. Here, we track at the children’s attendance outcomes at schools on a 60-days basis. Lastly, we keep track of circumstances in the local countries and communities to maintain our curiosity and continue learning based on community efforts and outcomes.

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